In Texas, When YELP! Was Not My Friend!

Texas- where everything’s bigger, right?

And when I touched down in Houston, these were my exact thoughts. All I wanted to do was get my mouth around some amazingly exorbitant ribs! The problem was, that I was hangry.

Han•gry: noun; to be so hungry that you get angry

Now I like to think I have a pretty good travel intuition, most of the time. Except when I’m hangry. It seems to be that during these episodes I can only think of my one mission-to find food. Everything else just goes straight out the window.

So I toddled into my hotel and hooked myself into the wifi, determined to go to the best ribs joint in town. I made myself a list from 3 top rib places and ordered myself an uber to come and pick me up.

You can imagine my utter disappointment when the first place on my list was all out of ribs. I got back into the uber and asked him to take me to the next place on my list- but to make matters worse, he told me that both places had been shut down!

He then turned to me and said he knows a really good place just out of town that I could go to, it was open and cheap and freshly smoked their ribs on site.

I hadn’t eaten since breakfast so I agreed to get him to take me to the place with the ribs- that’s what I had my heart set on! When I got there, and tried the ribs- MY GOSH! One of the most moist, smokey, sweet, sticky ribs I’ve ever had in my life!

After I ate my ribs, I started to check out my surroundings, I was in a dark, dodgy looking part of town where I was looking very out of place In my colourful dress and high heeled boots- not to mention everyone was looking at me very strangely. At this point my travel intuition kicked in and screamed at me, “get yourself out of there!”. I ordered myself another uber and went back to my hotel to fully enjoy my food coma.